Selasa, 07 April 2015

Stop Free Sex On Teenage

Free Sex On Teenage

Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb.
Good morning guys, how are you today? I think you are good.
I thanks to my God because of giving us health and time for assamling in the party and giving me this opportunity for sharing some topics, such as free sex on teenage.
The headmaster who I respect, all teachers of 1 Margahayu Junior High School who I respect too, and all of member who I love.
On my first time. I never forget for remembering you all, for our next lives, specially for teenage and under age too, we’ll come at next lives when it will be free competition for residents in the in Indonesian will come many tourists for working in Indonesian and it’s free. Please don’t leave your study for your future. If residents in Indonesian can’t follow globalization development, we’ll lose competitiveness from our country.
Ladies and gentlemen,
In years I think I’m very concerned for all teenage especially for girl. I remember in Indonesian 80% in  Indonesian teenage girls, she after unvirgin and I’m very sad when I heard it.
If Indonesian will be visited by come many tourists. I think teenage girls and under age will not be safe, because in foreign country sex is free and if they don’t know about Indonesia, they will bring it to Indonesia and Indonesian girls are threatened. For boys maybe the problem isn’t complex but for girls it’s very complex.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I think we must save girls for their virginities and especially for teenage girls and under age from free sex, it is human right violation. And tourists maybe don’t know. Before they all come we must remind all of people in Indonesia.
That’s all from me, I’m sorry if I have some mistakes on my words. Thank you for your nice attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb.

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